Welcome to the Bison 4x4 web site
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Please read on if you have not visited this web site before to learn more about us.

Vehicles for sale can be found here

If you want further details or have enquiries please click on ‘Contact’.

If you are interested in a Service, please click on ‘Servicing’.

We have had a makeover of the website recently to try and present more information in a more logical manner, so if you have been here before you may not find things where they were.
Please have a look around, you will find new pages with (we hope) some interesting information.

There will also be more information coming soon, so bookmark this site if you find it interesting, and check back regularly. Thanks - Bison 4x4

The proprietor of the company is Mike Nash, a qualified engineer with over 20 years experience of
Land Rovers and classic British vehicles.
We operate a Mobile Land Rover Diagnostic Service operating from the Wirral Peninsula serving Chester and a large portion of North Wales and the North West.

Most of our work comes from P38 Range Rovers, known to be problematic as they get older, but they do respond well to a bit of TLC.

Have you got a Land Rover / Range Rover stuck on your drive and don’t know what to do with it?
Do you despair of getting it to a proper workshop where they will know what they are doing with your pride and joy?
If so, contact us and we could come to you and tell you what your options are.

We are passionate about these vehicles and don’t like to see them laid up or abandoned, when they could be giving so much pleasure to their owners.


We will travel to you to carry out Diagnostics and/or repair.

We have a straightforward price structure;
for owners on the Wirral
£50 for the first hour; £40 per hour pro rata after that, plus the cost of any parts required.

If you are not on the Wirral but within 15 miles of Chester the first hour is £60;
and again £40 per hour pro rata after that, plus the cost of any parts required.
Further distances are by negotiation.


Bison 4x4 - Taking Care of the Best 4x4xFar


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